
 Hi everyone! 

    My name is Reanna Garcia and I am from a small town in West Texas. I was initially deciding between going into social work or education. My decision was made to pursue education because I got to grow up in my family members classrooms and gym where my interest in the classroom grew. I have a few family members that are known in my hometown from the school districts. My uncle is one of the known coaches and my grandmother had been teaching for years as well as my aunt that began teaching this past year. Growing up I got to experience the classroom setup before the school year started and set gym activities up for the coaches. Since I was always in a school setting, I became interested in the idea of having my own classroom to decorate and students of my own to teach. The student teaching classes in high school reassured me that education is where I feel like I belong. 

    Since being in student teaching in high school, I had the opportunity to join a pre-k and kindergarten class. From those experiences, I really enjoyed kindergarten. Therefore in the future, I hope to teach kindergarten. In such a low grade level, subjects are mostly combined meaning I can dabble in just about everything. There is a brand new elementary school in Schertz that I got to visit during my student teaching and loved it! My strong suits are mainly math and reading. I have learned so much at Texas State about math in elementary that gave me plenty of ideas for lessons and a deeper understanding of the way children's brains comprehend things. I am very passionate about helping people and making a difference in lives. I also really love decorating and personalizing things which is also something I'm excited for when I have my own classroom!


  1. Schools are neat places to hang around, aren't they? Fun for you when you are related to a teacher in the school. So cool that you have learned so much about teaching math to young children. That is sooooo important, isn't it?


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