What is the purpose of schools?

 Schools are a place where students come together and share similarities. The education system has been reformed throughout the years to become more beneficial for students. The purpose of schools is to create an environment where students feel comfortable to express their ideas and new concepts. The concepts given to them in schools help them mature in life and be able to do common tasks that help them in the future. Aside from learning things for the future, they learn about how the world has evolved through the many challenges we have come across. Schools also provide opportunities for students to develop social and communication skills that allow us to connect with other people. 


  1. I agree that creating an environment in schools where students can feel safe to be themselves is extremely important and is something that I want to promote in my future classroom!

    1. We have come so far within enhancing the school system. Schools allow students from different parts of the world to come together in once place to share their learning experience. I think implementing this in our future classrooms is so important that way everyone can develop socially, mentally, and physically.

  2. Hey Reanna, I agree that schools should be a safe place for students to express themselves and grow. I think it is so great that we have the opportunity to go out and learn everyday!

    1. Right! I had just replied to another comment about how students come from all different backgrounds within their personal education. It is important that every students feels included and motivated to learn everyday task. Bonding in a classroom allows children to learn to apply their knowledge and share ideas outside of school.

  3. Hey Reanna, I completely agree that it is supper important for us as educators to make sure that our classroom is a place where students are free to express themselves. There are times when teachers get so cough up in teaching the curriculum and teaching it somewhat quickly, that there are times where the fun and creative side of school is striped away and I think that it is 100% possible to teach curriculum while still having a fun classroom environment.

    1. Yess! Although a classroom should be fun and have the right balance between learning and fun, it is crucial that students feel comfortable enough to want to interact in the lesson without feeling like their opinion is not accepted.

  4. Hello,
    I agree with the schools adjusting to the students, we were able to see that in the past modules we have done. we have come a long way, yet there is still new things that everyone has to work around. As new eras come, more changes have to be done and I believe there will be constant adjusting to fulfill the needs of the students.


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